Gospel Advance is hosting a Simeon Trust Workshop on Biblical Exposition at Clifton Park Community Church, in the Capital District on October 15-17, 2025. Our topic for this year's workshop is TBD, but always inclues Practical Instruction - Persuasive Preaching - Small Group Practice. It’s our hope and prayer that these days will strengthen our ability to understand and to proclaim the Word of God.
The purpose of a workshop is to increase the participant’s confidence and ability in rightly handling God’s Word. A Workshop on Biblical Exposition has three essential components: Principles: the leaders will present clear, simple instructions on interpreting and explaining the message of the Bible in an accurate and accessible way. Practice: the Small Groups consist of 6-10 participants who have each prepared assigned texts and are ready to interact with the other group members and a trained group leader in order to improve their skills in a hands-on way. Preaching: there will be an exposition from one of the leaders, demonstrating the value of sitting under the Word of God.
We start on Wednesday morning, October 15, and finish at Noon on Friday, October 17. Lunches and refreshments are included in your registration. Lots of housing options here in Clifton Park too. Join us!
More info & register online at simeontrust.org
Augustine – “Since rhetoric is used to give conviction to both truth and falsehood, who could dare to maintain that truth, which depends on us for its defense, should stand unarmed in the fight against falsehood?...
[Persuasion] is available to both sides; why then is it not acquired by good and zealous Christians to fight for the truth, if the wicked employ it in the service of iniquity and error, to achieve their perverse and futile purposes?”